About us

● Inventor of BUILD & PUTT®: Klaus Endres - creativity with style
You may not be familiar with the name Klaus Endres, but that will change now. He is the creative mind and developer of a completely new kind of table golf game. This can be individually combined and expanded as required using various modules. The game principle and the expansion and conversion options are self-explanatory and therefore almost unlimited - as is the fun that is associated with it. In contrast to all previous table golf games, not only individuals can compete against each other at the same time if desired, but entire teams and compete against each other. Up to four players or teams are possible. Different playing strengths of individual players can be easily compensated for by means of ingenious handicaps.

Please note that this is a protected game - the property rights are exclusive to Klaus Endres.

● Find out more about Endres, regionality and fairness
The manufacturer of the table golf course BUILD & PUTT® is the Endres company. It is a small family company based near St. Pölten, Lower Austria. The creative head of the company is Mr. Endres himself, who not only developed the game over the years, but is also responsible for the company's success. Although the company is still relatively new and small in the industry, it is already inspiring end consumers, specialist dealers and wholesalers with clear contact persons, flexibility, short response times and other advantages over other company giants.

All Endres components are produced in Europe - mostly in Austria and even in our own workshop. Only local woods are used for processing, so that the company makes an important contribution to regionality. At the same time, the company attaches great importance to the fact that its employees and suppliers work under appropriate conditions and receive fair wages.

● Personality instead of anonymous production
While many toys can no longer be seen who invented them and where they were made and by whom, the Endres company deliberately does it differently. Klaus Endres is a graduate engineer and company manager who works as a service provider in mechanical engineering for product safety and project management in the R&D area. With this, Mr. Endres personally also brings the technical know-how with him to produce high-quality and safe toys on his own that make game enthusiasts happy.

● Ideas for children, parents and other fun enthusiasts
With his creative play, Klaus Endres specifically promotes skills, not just those of children. Creativity, fine motor skills, tweezer grip, skill, hand-eye coordination, action or reaction, ability to concentrate and endurance are both challenged and encouraged. Children from four years of age can play table golf, but "older semesters" will also have a lot of fun with it and practice their motor skills. It is a high quality wooden toy with different levels of difficulty.

● A name that says it all
Finding the appropriate name for a single game as well as a parlor game can be difficult at times. But here it was practically obvious: After a short, creative brainstorming session, Klaus Endres decided on the name "BUILD & PUTT®" and the slogan "Creative FingerGolf-Fun for everyone". The name not only indicates the creative employment opportunities, but also includes the game category itself - golf. The English name was chosen deliberately. So it is universally understandable all over the world.

● Added value around BUILD & PUTT®
If you are toying with the idea of ​​buying BUILD & PUTT®, you are probably also asking yourself about the added value of this game. That is why we would like to explain to you at this point why you should now join the steadily growing circle of friends of our game idea.

The most important added value - besides the fact that BUILD & PUTT® is simply fun - is the learning factor. Your child can learn many exciting things around the game theme with science and technology, history, art and other areas. In addition, the game promotes motor skills, coordination and concentration.

This game is guaranteed not to be boring: Since there are many expansion modules in addition to the multiplayer option, you can also specifically support your child's creativity and provide activity for many hours. Another added value is that the railway can always be set up differently and thus always offers new challenges. Last but not least, it is also suitable as a competitive game. This means that all of the family and friends are involved.

● A high quality for a carefree game
So that children can use the game without hesitation, BUILD & PUTT® not only impresses with its beautiful design, but also with high-quality materials. The game consists mainly of PEFC and FSC certified wood. In addition, we also pay attention to a high level of product safety and fair production conditions for employees and suppliers during production. It goes without saying that only local woods are used. Production takes place in Europe according to high standards and guidelines. In addition, our toys are very easy to recycle.

● Expertise on BUILD & PUTT®
Get to know our impressive expertise on the game. Expertise is important before a product is launched on the market. After all, the added value for the customer comes first - and what is produced is what also has the prospect of a WIN-WIN situation for the buyer and seller. That is why we are presenting you with an excerpt of the assessments made by experts at this point. These are very experienced psychologists, therapists, sports scientists, movement educators, teachers, trainers, but also educators. Over time, of course, buyers' assessments are added.

One of our expertise comes from Prof. Dr. Anneliese Fuchs, who is not only enthusiastic about the commitment of the inventor but above all about the diversity of the game. She describes the table golf course as demanding and challenging. She particularly emphasizes the opportunity to play in a team, as this is where children learn to lose and deal with their frustration. She sees children as the main target group here.

Another of our expertise was written by Mag. Andreas Zierhut. The child psychologist thinks the game is particularly suitable for promoting concentration and fine motor skills. Since the railway can be changed again and again, it also offers young people challenges. In addition, he sees the knowledge offered about individual play parts / obstacles and the creativity of children promoted with this game.

Who is closer to the child than parents and educators? That is why we asked Ms. Erika Mihaly, a kindergarten director, for an expertise. Above all, she sees preschool children as suitable for this game and particularly emphasizes the good promotion of hand-eye coordination and the tweezer grip!

● Our target group of users is broad
Especially children / young people / parents / grandparents / relatives / friends / senior citizens / clubs / companies belong to our target groups. As a specialist dealer and wholesaler, you can also supply kindergartens, compulsory schools, day-care centers and child minders with our game. Every children's play area in shops, hotels, practices can be equipped with the appropriate version of BUILD & PUTT®. Since adults should also practice their motor skills every now and then, they can also be sold to companies (as a personalized promotional gift), golf clubs, mini golf clubs and retirement homes. Even as a party game, fun is not neglected, as all versions are available for young people and the young at heart, with different levels of difficulty. Great fun is guaranteed.

● Our ideas are far from exhausted
There are already a number of expansion options that game enthusiasts can use in the future. We are far from the end of this, however, because we have many other ideas up our sleeve in which learning material from the natural sciences, history and art is packaged in a playful way.
Are you missing something? Then we'd be happy to include it in our catalog of ideas. When it comes to implementation, the creative mind naturally receives recognition.

● Important information for specialist dealers and wholesalers from BUILD & PUTT®
We are pleased that you, as a specialist dealer or wholesaler, have found your way to us. We have specially prepared our site for you in order to present you with all the information you need about our game in a clear form. At this point you should also learn a lot more about ourselves, so that you can see for yourself how much creativity and commitment we went to the invention of "BUILD & PUTT®" and its expansion.

There are many great opportunities where you, as a specialist dealer or wholesaler, can convince your customers of "BUILD & PUTT®". This includes, for example, game events with record attempts or the involvement of your customers in the further design of the game, e.g. painting and varnishing. This is not only fun, but also arouses interest in our many expansion options.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Parts and the name of our game are legally protected and reserved for exclusive distribution. Take your opportunity now to become part of our success story.